AYSK-B Solid Fuel Semi Cylinderic Three Transitive Steam Boilers

Solid Fuel Steam Boilers

AYSK-B Solid Fuel Semi Cylinderic Three Transitive Steam Boilers - General Features
    • It complies with TS EN 12953-1-3, TS 377-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 10-11-12-14, TS EN 12953-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-12- 14 standards.
    • It has operational fl exibility compatible with different combustion systems.
    • It is produced with superior manufacturing and design technology.
    • It burns all solid fuels with high effi ciency.
    • Thanks to large water and steam, it easily meets the necessary steam need in intensive and persistent working conditions and sudden steam traction.
    • With the advantage of high heating surface, it provides acquiring drier steam with higher energy.
    • It operates safer with the pipes welded to the mirrors and it is more durable than the equivalents.
    • With Optimum isolation, it ensures maximum effi cacy and maximum performance.
    • Optimum combustion chamber dimensions ensure high heat transfer, radiation, more effi cient usage of heat transfer surfaces and the occurrence of full burning in combustion chamber.
    • It has minimum chimney gas emission rates and it is environmentally-friendly.
    • In order to meet customer expectations, it increases production capacity range appropriate for need and the manufacturing is conducted.
    • BFPN : 153.1100 are solid fuel boilers made from steam producer steel material under 3 atm construction pressure.

AYSK-B Solid Fuel Semi Cylinderic Three Transitive Steam Boilers - Technical Dimensions