AOYS Front Furnace Firing Systems

Firing Systems

AOYS Front Furnace Firing Systems - General Features
    • AOYS Front burner combustion systems are mounted on fl ame- smoke pipe and water pipe boilers in order to ensure enough burning surfaces and it ensures to be burnt of the solid fuel in suffi cient burning volume and the transfer of the energy to the fluid.
    • It allows the solid fuels removed in our country to burn in high effi ciency with appropriate furnace and burning systems.
    • AOYS Front burner combustion systems form a section composed of water walls occurred by pipes- water pipes with pipe construction.
    • With AST Mechanical powder coal burner stocker application, automatic loaded burning systems are obtained and energy needs can be met at high capacities.
    • In order to ensure the heating surface increase of the boilers of AST present boilers, front furnace application can be done.
    • AOYS Front Burner Combustion Systems are environmentally friendly with high combustion effi ciencies.
    • It is manufactured with computer aided design and manufacturing technology in accordance with CE quality standards, TRD pressure vessels directive, EN and TSE 377 standards.
    • With optimum isolation amount, it increases boiler performance in reaching to maximum performance.
    • AOYS Front Burner Combustion Systems are specially designed and manufactured according to the required energy amount.

AOYS Front Furnace Firing Systems - Technical Dimensions
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