AKB Liquid-Gas Fuel Back Pressure Heating Boiler - General Features
- 5% increase is achieved in the boiler effi ciency and 5% economy is achieved in fuel consumption with the state of the art “liquid cap system.”
- Fireproof concrete problems are ended with the fl uid cap technology.
- They are manufactured with the developed manufacturing technology, superior quality and high sensitivity.
- They enable ECONOMIC usage convenience with high effi ciency design and low fuel consumption.
- They are suitable to natural gas, LPG and liquid fuel usage and have high effi ciency and long life time.
- They are affected by sediments and lime at a minimum level owing to its design.
- They have easy dilation ability balancing temperature differences within the boiler.
- AKB type boilers are manufactured in our factory in the light of counter pressure technology and by using the labor force, automation opportunities of this country and by using domestic materials.
- They have on-site manufacturing fl exibility.
- They have ergonomic design.
- With the counter pressure burning technology, the fl are returns to the same cell and the gases and semi burned fuel particles that meet the boiler fl are for the second time burns again and turns into energy and the fuel is burned completely.
- The brilliant fl are, which is generated in the muffl e room where two transitive intensive burning occurs, is carried to the water from the burning cell by the “radiation heat transfer” means.
- Gas-diverting turbulators diminish the velocity of smoke and gases within the fl are pipes and enables the heat transfer to be kept in a maximum level in this region.
- Resistance of the cylindrical inner design is improved by high capacity curled furnace construction and it has gained an aesthetic and modern look with its prismatic outer appearance.
- Enable usage ease in narrow areas owing to their proper dimensions.
- They are manufactured in the range of 40.000 kcal/h and 5.000.000 kcal/h owing to their high efficiency.
- They can be controlled remotely without cable (optional).
- Temperature values can be read on the card with the digital temperature indicator and heat control can be controlled with the desired program.
- ALFA brand name has a deserved TRUST throughout the country with the superior quality that we present in production and after sales service.
AKB Liquid-Gas Fuel Back Pressure Heating Boiler - Technical Dimensions