ASSK Solid Fuel Cylinderic Scotch Type Three Transitive Heating Boilers - General Features
- They have the design and manufacture appropriate for burning low calorie lignite and solid fuels that have high energy and quarried in this country with high effi ciency with their developed special burning chamber and grid design.
- Their cylindrical type structure and special design enables the fl uid to circulate within the boiler homogenously and enables transfer of the energy within the fuel to the fl uid in high effi ciency.
- Heat effi ciency of ASSK type heating boilers is 86% and higher.
- They react to demands rapidly with their low water volume and exceed the condensation limit that is effective for all boilers in a short time and step in rapidly.
- ASSK type heating boilers have fl are and smoke pipes and the boiler pipes are assembled on the mirrors by welding.
- The boilers’ behavior under pressure is secured with their symmetric cylindrical construction and pressure resistance of the boiler is improved relatively.
- Thermic tensions that occur during welding are distributed to the entire boiler surface homogenously with the boiler sheets that are cut in special angles and the life of the boiler is extended.
- ASSK type heating boilers have a three transitive structure and the boiler life is longer than that of the reverse pressure and other type of boilers.
- They enable burning of economical fuels such as coal, wood, coking coal and lignite with ALFA guarantee without sacrifi cing comfort and effi ciency.
- The compact structure enabled by their small dimensions and low weights ease the transportation and placement matters which are very important in high capacities.
- High effi ciency burning is achieved compatible with the automatic burning units and mechanical dust coal burning (AST stoker) systems.
- They work very quietly and effi ciently owing to their high design and construction technology.
- ASSK type heating boilers can be turned into heating boilers with liquid-gas fuels in a very short time with the cap revision when desired. The capacity is improved 2,5 folds as a result of liquid-gas fuel burning transformation.
- Heat insulation of the boiler is very good. The entire boiler is coated with an insulation material.
- They are made fi t to burn natural gas with the cap revision when desired.
ASSK Solid Fuel Cylinderic Scotch Type Three Transitive Heating Boilers - Technical Dimensions